You can't print more time.

Join hundreds of service-based founders seeking freedom by growing their business—without growing their stress.

*I'll never sell your email or spam you. Unsubscribe anytime.

Stories, systems, and roadmaps from a global top 1% service provider.


I'm Colby Wegter

I've built custom systems and strategies for 2 multi-seven figure companies in the USA. I also eliminated 90% of time spent managing others, delivering to clients, and getting on meetings. I now run a community of business owners who are building businesses on their terms. All of them are scaling their impact without scaling their stress levels.


3 Different Ways To Get Started


Join the newsletter

Every week I'm sharing real stories, systems, and templates that I've used on my journey to own my time 100% as a multi-seven figure business owner and dad of 3. Get insights on how to buy back your time and lead better.

*I'll never sell your email or spam.
Unsubscribe anytime.


The Community

This community is for owners and founders who just entered the growth stage. If you started your business with no money and nothing but time but have now reversed that trend, this community is for you.

*Link takes you to a Clarity Call Application.
The community is currently invite-only.


The Time Back Tech Stack

If you own an online business, have over 10 tools, 100+ daily emails, and 50+ notifications, your disorganized business will turn into a disorganized coffin. I'll create a custom dashboard that helps you breathe again.

*The first call is $79.
There is no obligation to work with me.

Jacob Pegs

Owner, Modern Maker + Mojo Design

Working with Colby helped me prioritize "me-time." I started MMA, jogging, working out 5X a week, playing more piano, and allowing myself to create. I re-engaged with activities I left behind. And started new ones that brought new challenges.

Julius Bieliauskas

CEO, Mekhos

Colby was super helpful from the very first interaction. I recommend working with him 10/10. During the first two chats with him, I learned how to work less, how to say no, and how to set clear boundaries. He was not only providing a service to help me improve my current systems and processes; he was becoming my business advisor.

Leeza Ochsner

Owner, Freshly Brewed Copy

Overall, there's less overwhelm. I'm able to navigate things because of more awareness of how I want to work, what I'm saying yes to, what I'm saying no to, what's truly priority, and where my energy should go. It's just a really good feeling.

Jordan Hawn

Owner, Hawn Consulting

Colby's been running businesses for 10+ years. He's helped on the mental health and wellbeing side. It's very difficult running a business and his systems gave me clarity in where I need to go next. He's always there. Always helpful. Easy to deal with. Very knowledgeable. I highly recommend working with him.

Josh Ramsey

Owner, Ramsey Consulting

I recommend Colby to anyone that is looking to build or follow a proven structure that also addresses the mindset stuff of why we don't get past the level of success that we are currently on. I absolutely love spending time with him.

Kathryn Rossi

Owner, Money Memos

Colby has a lot of lessons about what has worked for him in the past. It's helping me think more strategically about how I'm implementing things in my business. If you're at all on the fence about working with him, jump at the opportunity work with him if you have that chance. He will set you up for success.

Earn more. Work less.

Freedom through your business is achievable. Done going it alone?

Subscribe to my newsletter.

*I'll never sell your email or spam you. Unsubscribe anytime.

Stories, systems, and roadmaps from a global top 1% service provider.

You can't print more time.

2024 © Colby Wegter Ventures LLC. All rights reserved.

Buy back 2 hours this week. Buy back 10 next month—without sacrificing revenue.

I help growth stage owners who are -->

  • The bottleneck to everything in their business

  • In fear that if they slow down they'll lose cash

  • Don't trust their employees enough to let go

  • Run their life out of dozens of tools and tabs

Offering bespoke solutions for busy online CEOs

Kevin Rapp, CEO of Kevin Rapp Consulting


As your revenue grows, your stress & anxiety does too.

And instead of building a life, you’re building a coffin.

You’ve been forced into inflexible productivity tools before.

It’s time to customize the productivity tool around the life you want.


I build a custom dashboard
that fits your life and business.


Get full clarity on how your time is lost—and how the Time Back Tech Stack fixes that.

We’ll sit together for a 60-minute Clarity Consult to bring clarity on where your anxiety and lack of focus comes from. I'll audit your behaviors around time value and time management. Then we’ll create a custom wireframe of what your life dashboard will feature. Its mission is to centralize what’s valuable into one place and cut noise on what doesn’t. You get the wireframe for $79 and have no obligation to work with me.


Receive a roadmap and sparring partner to buy your time back.

You see the value of one dashboard designed to suit your life instead of dozens of tools forcing you into their setup. You also have more awareness about why you can't get control of your time. We agree to map out a roadmap and timeline where I build your dashboard for you (done in 2 weeks). You’ll get weekly updates from me on its progress and have async access to me via WhatsApp to get your questions answered.


Eliminate distraction. Get focus from YOUR space.

When your custom Notion dashboard is ready, we’ll book a second 60-minute call to walk you through how to use every aspect of it. You’ll find clear paths to buying back your time every week. You’ll have step-by-step guides and video tutorials included.


I will explain everything


Time Back Tech Stack

with Life Dashboard


one time payment

  • Two 60-minute consults over Google Meet

  • Buy Back Time Audit to identify your behaviors

  • Custom Life Dashboard wireframe

  • Tutorials, How To's, Guides for Notion

  • Async access and weekly check-ins

  • Lifetime access to Notion database templates

  • Lifetime access to Time Buy Blueprints & Checklists

*Your first consultation and wireframe are $79, which goes towards the total.
You'll only invest $3000 if you want me to build your dashboard for you.

From scratch design built for the life you want.

Jacob Pegs, CEO of Mojo Design and Modern Maker

"Working with Colby helped me prioritize "me-time." I started MMA, jogging, working out 5X a week, playing more piano, and allowing myself to create. I re-engaged with activities I left behind. And started new ones that brought new challenges.My mood's up. Energy is through the roof. Had a $35K month with $34K ARR closed in 7 days, all by focusing on high-leverage tasks. The funnest part? The new set of clients signed are super happy with the boundaries and constraints I set and have no problems.The best part? I'm as excited as ever to give light to my inner child and explore all the things I left abandoned as I was over-serving others and under-serving myself. By setting new boundaries and constraints, my business mind flared up to figure out new ways to create whitespace between the new setting, not the other way around."


You'll work directly with Colby.

There is no team of juniors or interns. I work with you directly because the quickest way to buy back your time is by working with a systems expert who has a customized approach and thinks long-term.

This is not a quick fix offer.

But it is delivered quickly. This dashboard is the anti-hero to what you’ve known before. Other tools will be more robust out of the box, but this dashboard will eliminate distraction and shiny objects for the long haul to keep you focused and working towards actual goals that make your life better.

Notion expertise isn't required.

Many people are turned off by Notion because they think there’s a huge learning curve. That’s only if you’re doing it alone with no help. The process is meant to help you run a “no emergency” day. Taking actions will feel seamless. And if you’re ever stuck, each page will have a video tutorial showing you EXACTLY how to use it.

First come, first serve.

I only take 5 clients per month. If you want to start the process, book your 60-minute Clarity Consult ($79). You get the wireframe of your custom dashboard and meeting recording no matter what. If you want to work together, you’ll be informed of my capacity. If there’s room, I’ll take you on. If there isn’t, I’ll add you to the queue.

What about all my other tools?

This is why I picked Notion. There are over 80 native integrations and hundreds of automations that can be completed through Zapier. You don’t have to ditch your other tools. The important ones will all sync to your custom dashboard. But once you start reclaiming your time, you might want to ditch them then 😉.

The price is set for a reason.

This is designed to be a 2-week build that buys back 2-3 hours every week. The investment will deliver 10X+ in value in a matter of weeks. And I won’t cut and run. You can always email me if you feel like it doesn’t deliver time back at scale.

You can't print more time.

2024 © Colby Wegter Ventures LLC. All rights reserved.


I'm Colby Wegter

I'm a 34 year old dad of 3. I grew up in the middle of nowhere Iowa and then moved all over. To Dublin, where I finished an Elementary Education degree. To New York, where I was employee number 12 at BrandYourself (we got on Shark Tank and turned down Robert 😉). To Minneapolis and Chicago, where I started a Top 100 digital marketing agency in the USA. And now in Milwaukee, where my mission is to own my time 100% and buy as much coffee as I want.

I do that by helping overwhelmed founders + owners buy back their time and lead their company's better.

Why am I qualified to do that? Because I lived what you're living now. In 2022, I burned out so hard (twice), that I thought I was going to die. Not good

It was my second burnout, on December 26, 2022, when I knew I needed a change.

I took action to start owning my time. Here's what I did:

  • I created a system around my calendar.

  • I limited access to me (shock, we grew the business and kept employees).

  • I got my health in check.

  • I centralized my whole life into one Life Dashboard.

It took 12 months of tinkering and trial and error but by December 26, 2023, I'd gotten my full-time job as a partner of our Top 100 digital marketing agency down from 60+ hours per week to 7 hours per week.

I didn't lose money, I didn't lose clients, I didn't lose employees.

I took on more projects that brought me joy, became a better dad, and improved my health and relationships.

It is possible to buy back time without losing business (and actually grow).

But before you dive in feet first, let's make sure what I'm talking about is worth your time.

3 Reasons You Should Not Be Here

1. I do not make promises I can't keep.

For some reason, the world subscribes to massive returns in short time frames.

"Save 10 hours this week!"

I don't believe that's impossible. I've helped people do that. But it's not common.

I'm focused on saving you time and teaching you how to save more every week.

Anybody who works with me should be able to buy back 1-2 hours a week. But they have to put the work in to do that.

2. If you're not committed to making changes, I can't help you.

You're reading this because you've tried tools and coaching before and you're still overwhelmed. So, if you're still convinced that more than one tool, all not customized to the life you want, is for you, you're not committed to buying your time back.

I create what I create, not because those tools are bad, but because they are life assisters, not life changers.

And if you have too many tools, they'll have the opposite of your desired effect.

I also won't work with someone who thinks they have the secret sauce to buying back their time. There is no such thing. What I create is just as much mentality as it is application.

And if you had the secret sauce, you wouldn't be reading this at all.

3. If you're looking for "The Easy Way", I don't want to help you.

True success isn't how much money you have in your bank account.

True success is saying "no" whenever you want.

Listen to what I'm saying. What I do for you will feel easy, but applying it is not easy. It took me 12 months.

Taking control of your time by buying it back one-half hour at a time is a set of ideals and practices. It is not a light switch.

What I create does not immediately turn your 50-hour workweek into a 5-hour workweek. It gives you a decluttered place to know exactly what to prioritize, what to respond to, (and more importantly), what to avoid.

You're still here? Good.

Here's what I will
help you with specifically.

My main focus is to give you an easy-to-use tool and methodology to help you buy your time back one hour at a time.

I call it the Time Back Tech Stack because it uses software and is customized to your specific time-lost blindspots. Its mission is to consolidate your current disorganized life, which is turning into a disorganized coffin, and give you one place, one tool, to improve your focus, decrease your overwhelm and start buying you back time on a weekly basis.

It is a dashboard for your life. It is the anti-hero to tools like Trello, Asana, ToDoIst, ClickUp, AirTable, post-it notes, your notebook, and hundreds of others.

If you're reading this, you've tried some or all of these. You have hundreds of tasks and notes sitting in multiple places right now. That clutter is limiting your potential, sucking up your time, and killing any chance at the life you want as an online business owner.

Here's what you can expect from me.

To value your time as much as my own.

My process is built for ease, speed, and effectiveness. It looks like this:

  • One 60-minute Clarity Consultation: ($79) We'll wireframe out your bespoke life dashboard, and you'll get the recording and questions answered. I'll also give you a system that's helping me save 120+ hours this year.

  • Async access to me via WhatsApp: You can message me anytime and I'll do my best to help. You'll know exactly what I'm building for you and when it will be delivered. If you want to add to it, we'll create a wish list and attack those items one at a time.

  • Max 3 week delivery. 2 weeks is the average: You won't be waiting months to start saving time and increasing focus. I'll be head down, producing what you need. It's why I only take 5 clients per month.

  • One final 60-minute Press Play call: I'll walk you through each aspect of your custom life dashboard in intimate detail.

  • Lifetime access to custom How-Tos and every template I create: This dashboard will give you endless thoughts on buying back more time. Every template, how-to, guide, workshop, and more that I create will be yours for life at no extra charge. ($1500 value)


You may have a fear that there will be a massive learning curve with what I build.

There is not.

This will only lower headaches, overwhelm, and anxiety.

You are not expected to be an expert in Notion. You need a computer and a high school education. And if you ever get stuck, every single aspect of the dashboard will have micro-tutorial videos (custom to you) so you won't be stuck 60 seconds later.

A sparring partner

Ask any successful person what they want more of. It's time.

What does this mean? Buying back your time is not easy. There is no "one-size-fits-all" solution.

In me, you'll have someone who is addicted to finding solutions of buying back time. That means bouncing ideas off of each other, tracking progress, and giving you as many resources as I can.

When the contract ends, message me anytime. Buying back time is a lifelong pursuit and I'm happy to be your buddy along the way.

How do I know if your stuff is any good?

Well, the smartest thing to do is to get some of my free stuff.

If you like those, you'll probably like the Time Back Tech Stack.

If you don't like them, you won't like it. Pretty simple, right?

I'm a big believer in give 90% of it away. So, if you're still not sure I can help you, you can get my free stuff in one of these places:


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Stories + systems to save time.

*I'll never sell your email or spam.


Follow me on LinkedIn

I post here every day.

*I'd love to connect with you.


Join my community

A small group of ambitious people.

*5-day free trial. Cancel anytime.

Buy back 2 hours first. Buy 10 hours next.

Get a custom wireframe in a 1-hour call. PLUS, a system to save 2 hours.

You can't print more time.

2024 © Colby Wegter Ventures LLC. All rights reserved.

The only newsletter service-based founders need to start earning more in less time.

Join 200+ service-based leaders who are turning the fears of dried-up leads, people problems, and no freedom into businesses that give them fun, freedom, flexibility (and purpose) with less stress—at scale.

Words from a few clients (and readers) who are earning + enjoying more while stressing less

Jacob Pegs, Modern Maker

"Working with Colby helped me prioritize "me-time." I started MMA, jogging, working out 5X a week, playing more piano, and allowing myself to create."

Kevin Rapp, Kevin Rapp Consulting

"Colby helped me identify some of my problems and didn't just build a system but also gave me some pointers on behavior change that I could make that would get me out of my own way."

Julius Bieliauskas, Mekhos

"During the first two chats with him, I learned how to work less, how to say no, and how to set clear boundaries."

© 2024 Colby Wegter Ventures LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

The only newsletter service-based founders need to start earning more in less time.

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Jacob Pegs, Modern Maker

"Working with Colby helped me prioritize "me-time." I started MMA, jogging, working out 5X a week, playing more piano, and allowing myself to create."

Kevin Rapp, Kevin Rapp Consulting

"Colby helped me identify some of my problems and didn't just build a system but also gave me some pointers on behavior change that I could make that would get me out of my own way."

Julius Bieliauskas, Mekhos

"During the first two chats with him, I learned how to work less, how to say no, and how to set clear boundaries."

© 2024 Colby Wegter Ventures LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Last updated April 17, 2024

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